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  1. 2011-05-08 10:04:24 (UTC): w:ru:User:OneLittleMouse (t - c; 444) to w:ru:Экономический кризис (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/129557/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/129557/ (444, 25, X, X- R/X/L) www.sotsium.ru/books/46/43/rothbard69.html (444, 26, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
  2. 2011-05-29 12:41:47 (UTC): w:ru:User:АПэ (t - c; 18) to w:ru:Мегаистория (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/seh_en/archive/2005_1/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/seh_en/archive/2005_1/ (18, 25, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.triz-evolution.narod.ru (18, 7, 1, 0- R/X/L) globevolution.narod.ru/paradigma.html (18, 2, 2, 0- R/X/L) truemoral.ru/naz_ogl.html (18, 20, 2, 0- R/X/L) cliodynamics.ru/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 (18, 550, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.academyrh.info/main.php?page=1&act=2005 (18, 8, 5, 0- R/X/L) www.academyrh.info/html/ref/20050106.htm (18, 8, 5, 0- R/X/L) www.philosophy.ru/iphras/library/karpinsk/glob_ev.html#_Toc498260087 (18, 277, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.ecsocman.edu.ru/images/pubs/2004/04/14/0000154806/014qNx5e.pdf (18, 360, 2, 0- R/X/L)
  3. 2011-05-30 09:27:38 (UTC): User ClueBot NG t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (79430) to Democracy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/book/early_state_en/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.fordemocracy.net/electoral.shtml# (79430, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=368&year=2007 (79430, 2569, X, X- R/X/L) www.zagraevsky.com/democracy_engl.htm (79430, 120, X, X- R/X/L) news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/country_profiles/1154019.stm (79430, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.independent.org/publications/tir/article.asp?a=599 (79430, 926, X, X- R/X/L) (79430, 847, X, X- R/X/L) www.prc.utexas.edu/prec/en/publications/articles/index.html (79430, 75, X, X- R/X/L) www.iun.edu/~hisdcl/h114_2002/democracy.htm (79430, 94, X, X- R/X/L) www.assemblee-nationale.fr/histoire/suffrage_universel/suffrage-1848.asp (79430, -1, X, X- R/X/L) mars.wnec.edu/~grempel/courses/wc2/lectures/rev892.html (79430, 338, X, X- R/X/L) www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/manassas/social/introsoc.htm (79430, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.fcnl.org/issues/item.php?item_id=731&issue_id=75 (79430, 44, X, X- R/X/L) www.oxonianreview.org/issues/2-2/2-2-6.htm (79430, 248, X, X- R/X/L) anglicanhistory.org/oceania/whonsbon-aston1961.html (79430, 498, X, X- R/X/L) www.ssc.upenn.edu/~rousseau/IRO.PDF (79430, 68, X, X- R/X/L) www.iroquoisdemocracy.pdx.edu/html/activity4.htm (79430, 124, X, X- R/X/L) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/struggle_democracy/getting_vote.htm (79430, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/rise_parliament/making_history_rise.htm (79430, -1, X, X- R/X/L) annourbis.com/Ancient-Rome/8rome10.html (79430, 120, X, X- R/X/L) upress.kent.edu/Nieman/Concepts_of_Democracy.htm (79430, 66, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=AxXE65flKPwC&pg=PA555&lpg=PA555&dq=ancient+Africa+democracy&source=bl&ots=P7a2RVBWOK&sig=UPNgjXDwmKNnE6mQLURfFticEgA&hl=en&ei=7hyrTZylJIm90QHUpsD5CA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=12&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCw#v=onepage&q=ancie (79430, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.socionauki.ru/book/early_state_en/ (79430, 25, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups bot, rollbacker, reviewer on some wikis
  4. 2011-05-30 09:29:15 (UTC): User Xionbox t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (1281) to Democracy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/book/early_state_en/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.gegenstandpunkt.com/english/state/toc.html (1281, 184, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0105/0105churchilldem.htm (1281, 240, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.conservativeclassics.com/books/libertybk/BK08.PDF (1281, 98, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.innertemple.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=250&Itemid=198 (1281, 50, 1, 1- R/X/L) cliojournal.wikispaces.com/The+Nature+of+Athenian+Democracy (1281, 85, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.dwatch.ca (1281, 55, 1, 1- R/X/L) xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/DETOC/home.html (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) a330.g.akamai.net/7/330/25828/20081021185552/graphics.eiu.com/PDF/Democracy%20Index%202008.pdf (1281, 365, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.ethicaldemocracy.org (1281, 24, 1, 1- R/X/L) papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1618909 (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/documents/v1ch18I.html (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.m-w.com/dictionary/republic (1281, 3851, X, X- R/X/L) www.m-w.com/dictionary/democracy (1281, 3851, X, X- R/X/L) www.apsanet.org/imgtest/verba.pdf (1281, 324, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.fcnl.org/issues/item.php?item_id=731&issue_id=75 (1281, 44, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.oxonianreview.org/issues/2-2/2-2-6.htm (1281, 248, 1, 1- R/X/L) anglicanhistory.org/oceania/whonsbon-aston1961.html (1281, 498, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.ssc.upenn.edu/~rousseau/IRO.PDF (1281, 68, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.iroquoisdemocracy.pdx.edu/html/activity4.htm (1281, 124, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/struggle_democracy/getting_vote.htm (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/rise_parliament/making_history_rise.htm (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) annourbis.com/Ancient-Rome/8rome10.html (1281, 120, 1, 1- R/X/L) upress.kent.edu/Nieman/Concepts_of_Democracy.htm (1281, 66, 1, 1- R/X/L) books.google.co.uk/books?id=3HX7mAbjGOYC (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.co.uk/books?id=NrUlR8nc9Q8C (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.co.uk/books?id=3HX7mAbjGOYC (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.co.uk/books?id=3HX7mAbjGOYC (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=RGisaLxA6eMC (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.co.uk/books?id=B8THIuSkiqgC (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0058%3Abook%3D6%3Asection%3D1317b (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.economist.com/markets/rankings/displaystory.cfm?story_id=8908438 (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.parrhesiajournal.org/parrhesia08/parrhesia08_kompridis.pdf (1281, 16, 1, 1- R/X/L) ssrn.com/abstract=1475928 (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/greeks/greekdemocracy_01.shtml (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) web.archive.org/web/20070914202111/http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0057:entry%3d%2324422 (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv1-78 (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) plato.stanford.edu/entries/democracy (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ruc.dk/demnetgov/ (1281, 143, 1, 1- R/X/L) video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5959251658237547562&ei=H5KlSdvRHZTWqAKtjsCZBw (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) jstor.org/stable/2952354 (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) jstor.org/stable/1951731 (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.freetrade.org/node/681 (1281, 491, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.democracynature.org/dn/vol1/fotopoulos_athens.htm (1281, 134, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.inclusivedemocracy.org/journal/vol2/vol2_no2_Takis_liberal_socialist.htm (1281, 577, 1, 0- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=AxXE65flKPwC&pg=PA555&lpg=PA555&dq=ancient+Africa+democracy&source=bl&ots=P7a2RVBWOK&sig=UPNgjXDwmKNnE6mQLURfFticEgA&hl=en&ei=7hyrTZylJIm90QHUpsD5CA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=12&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCw#v=onepage&q=ancie (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.socionauki.ru/book/early_state_en/ (1281, 25, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=130&year=2007 (1281, 2569, X, X- R/X/L) www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/157129/democracy (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=6qaSHHMaGVkC (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.huss.ex.ac.uk/politics/research/readingroom/CastiglioneRepublicanism.pdf#search=%22republicanism%20historiography%22 (1281, 156, 1, 1- R/X/L) press.princeton.edu/titles/8737.html (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2007/ga10655.doc.htm (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/7671283.stm (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/06/AR2009110601906.html (1281, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.plawlotic.com/?p=102 (1281, 2, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.plawlotic.com/?p=8 (1281, 2, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  5. 2011-06-01 04:18:05 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Counterfactual history (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/126971/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/126971/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  6. 2011-06-01 04:34:42 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to San Martín Tilcajete (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130146/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130146/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  7. 2011-06-01 04:41:37 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Christopher Chase-Dunn (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/126973/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/126973/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  8. 2011-06-01 04:48:48 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Robert L. Carneiro (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130158/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130158/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  9. 2011-06-01 04:59:35 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130151/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130151/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  10. 2011-06-01 05:08:27 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Maya civilization (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130151/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130151/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  11. 2011-06-06 06:45:25 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Macroevolution (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/129272/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/129272/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  12. 2011-06-06 07:09:06 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Neolithic Revolution (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/129510/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/129510/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  13. 2011-06-06 07:49:02 (UTC): User Elena Emanova t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Sovereign state (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/127716/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/127716/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  14. 2011-07-02 16:23:40 (UTC): w:ru:User:Elena Emanova (t - c; 47) to w:ru:Нефёдов, Сергей Александрович (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130062/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/130062/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  15. 2011-07-02 16:28:59 (UTC): w:ru:User:Elena Emanova (t - c; 47) to w:ru:Нефёдов, Сергей Александрович (diff  top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/authors/nefedov_s_a/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/authors/nefedov_s_a/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  16. 2011-07-02 16:35:54 (UTC): w:ru:User:Elena Emanova (t - c; 47) to w:ru:Конъюнктура (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/132081/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/132081/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  17. 2011-07-02 16:47:14 (UTC): w:ru:User:Elena Emanova (t - c; 47) to w:ru:Договор о ненападении между Германией и Советским Союзом (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/132081/ (R/Xmeta/L- removed)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/132081/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  18. 2011-07-02 16:58:18 (UTC): w:ru:User:Elena Emanova (t - c; 47) to w:ru:Фантастика (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/132088/ (R/Xmeta/L- removed)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/132088/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  19. 2011-07-02 17:16:58 (UTC): w:ru:User:Elena Emanova (t - c; 47) to w:ru:Учитель (издательство) (diff  top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/journal/fio/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/journal/seh/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L) www.socionauki.ru/journal/vg/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L) www.socionauki.ru/journal/ipisi/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L) www.socionauki.ru/journal/iis/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L) www.socionauki.ru/journal/fio/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  20. 2011-07-02 17:21:34 (UTC): w:ru:User:Elena Emanova (t - c; 47) to w:ru:Гринин, Леонид Ефимович (diff  !top) - Link: www.socionauki.ru/book/cikli_razvitiya/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.socionauki.ru/book/evolution_of_statehood_en/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L) www.socionauki.ru/book/cikli_razvitiya/ (47, 25, 14, 2- R/X/L)
  • Displayed all 20 additions.