User:BrunoMed/Books/Alien species IV
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- Aasimar
- Aboleth
- Achaierai
- Allip
- Angel (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ankheg
- Aranea (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Archon (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Arrowhawk
- Assassin vine
- Athach
- Azer (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Barghest (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Basilisk (fantasy role play)
- Behir
- Beholder (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Belker
- Blink dog
- Bodak
- Boneclaw
- Bugbear (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Bulette
- Bullywug
- Carrion crawler
- Celestial creature
- Centaur (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Chaos beast
- Chimera (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Choker (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Chromatic dragon
- Chuul
- Cloaker
- Cockatrice (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Couatl
- Darkmantle
- Delver (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Demon (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Derro (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Destrachan
- Devil (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Digester (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Dinosaur (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Dire animal
- Displacer beast
- Doppelganger (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Draconic creature
- Dragon (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Dragon turtle (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Dragonne
- Dragonspawn
- Drider
- Drow (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Dwarf (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Eladrin
- Elemental (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Elf (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ettercap
- Ettin (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Faun (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Fey (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Fiendish creature
- Fomorian (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Formian
- Frost worm
- Gammaroid
- Gargoyle (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Gelatinous cube
- Gem dragon
- Genie (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ghost (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ghoul (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Giant (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Giant eagle (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Giant insect (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Gibbering mouther
- Girallon
- Githyanki
- Githzerai
- Gnoll
- Gnome (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Goblin (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Golem (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Gorgon (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Gray render
- Grick
- Griffon (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Grimlock (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Guardinal
- Hag (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Half-dragon
- Half-orc
- Halfling (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Harpy (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Hell hound (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Hobgoblin (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Homunculus (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Howler (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Human (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Hydra (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Illithid
- Imp (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Inevitable (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Invisible stalker
- Kenku
- Kobold (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Kraken (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Krenshar
- Kuo-toa
- Lamia (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Lammasu (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Lich (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Lillend
- Lizardfolk
- Locathah
- Lycanthrope (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Magmin
- Manticore (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Medusa (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Mephit
- Merfolk (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Mimic (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Minotaur (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Mohrg
- Monstrous spider
- Mummy (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Naga (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Neogi
- Nightmare (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Nightshade (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ogre (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ooze (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Orc (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Otyugh
- Owlbear
- Pegasus (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Phantom fungus
- Phase spider
- Phasm
- Planetouched
- Pseudodragon
- Purple worm
- Rakshasa (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Rast (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ravid (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Remorhaz
- Retriever (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Roc (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Roper (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Rust monster
- Sahuagin
- Salamander (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Sea cat (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Shadow (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Shadow mastiff
- Shambling mound
- Shocker lizard
- Shrieker (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Skeleton (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Skum (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Slaad
- Spectre (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Sphinx (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Spider eater
- Stellar dragon
- Stirge
- Tarrasque (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Tendriculos
- Thri-kreen
- Titan (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Tojanida
- Treant
- Triton (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Troglodyte (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Troll (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Umber hulk
- Undead (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Unicorn (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Vampire (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Vampire spawn
- Vargouille
- Wight (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Will-o'-wisp (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Winter wolf
- Worg (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Wraith (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Wyvern (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Xill
- Xorn (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Yeth hound (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Yochlol
- Yrthak
- Yuan-ti
- Yugoloth
- Zombie (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Libris Mortis
- Animus (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ashen husk
- Baelnorn
- Bloodhulk
- Brain in a jar (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Corpse gatherer
- Crimson death (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Crypt thing
- Death knight (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Demilich (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Devourer (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Dracolich
- Effigy (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Eye of fear and flame
- Flameskull
- Ghast (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Good lich
- Greater mummy
- Groaning spirit
- Haunt (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Huecuva
- Illithilich
- Juju zombie
- Penanggalan (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Revenant (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Sheet phantom
- Skeleton warrior (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Son of Kyuss
- Union of Eclipses
- Wrackspawn
- Vermin (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Assassin bug (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Ear seeker
- Giant bloodworm
- Piercer (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Rot grub
- Slicer beetle
- Civilizations in Babylon 5
- Centauri (Babylon 5)
- Drakh
- Earth Alliance (Babylon 5)
- First Ones
- League of Non-Aligned Worlds
- Minbari
- Narn
- Pak'ma'ra
- Shadow (Babylon 5)
- Technomage
- Vorlon
- List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens
- List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (0–9, A–G)
- List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (H–P)
- List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (Q–Z)
- Auton
- Bane (Sarah Jane Adventures)
- Cyberman
- Dalek
- Dalek variants
- Draconian (Doctor Who)
- Eternal (Doctor Who)
- Ice Warrior
- Judoon
- Menoptra
- Ogron
- Ood
- Rutan (Doctor Who)
- Sensorite
- Silence (Doctor Who)
- Silurian (Doctor Who)
- Sontaran
- Thal (Doctor Who)
- Voord
- Weeping Angel
- Weevil (Torchwood)
- Werewolf (Doctor Who)
- Yeti (Doctor Who)
- Zarbi
- Zygon
- Cult of Skaro
- Dalek Attack
- Dalekmania
- Davros
- The Go-Go's (British band)
- History of the Daleks
- Skaro
- The Curse of the Daleks
- Dalek comic strips, illustrated annuals and graphic novels
- Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.
- Devious (Doctor Who)
- Doctor Who Live
- Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth
- Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
- Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death
- Doctor Who: The Mazes of Time
- Dr. Who and the Daleks
- Emperor of the Daleks
- The Last Day (Doctor Who)
- Doctor Who and the Daleks in the Seven Keys to Doomsday
- Short Trips: Dalek Empire
- Doctor Who – The Ultimate Adventure
- The Dalek Factor
- The Dalek Generation
- Engines of War (Doctor Who)
- I Am a Dalek
- Legacy of the Daleks
- Prisoner of the Daleks
- War of the Daleks
- Army of Ghosts
- Asylum of the Daleks
- The Big Bang (Doctor Who)
- The Chase (Doctor Who)
- Dalek (Doctor Who episode)
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth
- Daleks in Manhattan
- The Daleks' Master Plan
- The Daleks
- Day of the Daleks
- The Day of the Doctor
- Death to the Daleks
- Destiny of the Daleks
- Doomsday (Doctor Who)
- The Evil of the Daleks
- Evolution of the Daleks
- The Five Doctors
- Frontier in Space
- Genesis of the Daleks
- Into the Dalek
- Journey's End (Doctor Who)
- The Magician's Apprentice (Doctor Who)
- Mission to the Unknown
- The Pandorica Opens
- The Parting of the Ways
- Planet of the Daleks
- The Power of the Daleks
- Remembrance of the Daleks
- Resurrection of the Daleks
- Revelation of the Daleks
- The Stolen Earth
- The Time of the Doctor
- Victory of the Daleks
- The Witch's Familiar
- The Apocalypse Element
- Blood of the Daleks
- Brotherhood of the Daleks
- The Curse of Davros
- Dark Eyes (audio drama)
- Dark Eyes 2
- Dark Eyes 4
- Death and the Daleks
- The Elite (Doctor Who audio)
- Enemy of the Daleks
- Energy of the Daleks
- Fear of the Daleks
- The Five Companions
- The Four Doctors
- The Genocide Machine
- Jubilee (audio drama)
- The Juggernauts
- Lucie Miller / To the Death (audio drama)
- Masters of War (audio drama)
- The Mutant Phase
- Patient Zero (audio drama)
- Plague of the Daleks
- Renaissance of the Daleks
- Return of the Daleks
- Terror Firma
- The Time of the Daleks
- History of the Time Lords
- Borusa
- Irving Braxiatel
- Castellan (Doctor Who)
- Celestial Intervention Agency
- Professor Chronotis
- The Doctor (Doctor Who)
- Susan Foreman
- Grandfather Paradox (Doctor Who)
- Jenny (Doctor Who)
- List of television programs in which one character was played by multiple actors
- The Master (Doctor Who)
- Miranda (Doctor Who)
- Monk (Doctor Who)
- Omega (Doctor Who)
- Pythia of Gallifrey
- Rani (Doctor Who)
- Rassilon
- Regeneration (Doctor Who)
- Romana (Doctor Who)
- Time Lord
- Iris Wildthyme
- First Doctor
- Second Doctor
- Third Doctor
- Fourth Doctor
- Fifth Doctor
- Sixth Doctor
- Seventh Doctor
- Eighth Doctor
- Ninth Doctor
- Tenth Doctor
- Eleventh Doctor
- Twelfth Doctor
- List of actors considered for the part of the Doctor
- List of actors who have played the Doctor
- Dr. Who (Dalek films)
- The Other (Doctor Who)
- Shalka Doctor
- Valeyard
- War Doctor
- Bene Tleilax
- D-wolf
- Face Dancer
- Futar
- Guild Navigator
- Laza tiger
- Phibian (Dune)
- Salusan bull
- Sandtrout
- Sandworm (Dune)
- Seaworm
- Slig (Dune)
- Thorse
- List of Sector General species
- Kelgian (Sector General)
- Melfan (Sector General)
- Ultra Monsters
- A't'trr
- Ancient (Stargate)
- Asgard (Stargate)
- Asuran
- Crystalline Species
- Energy Beings (Stargate)
- Gadmeer
- Genii (Stargate)
- Goa'uld
- Interstellar cloud (Stargate)
- Kull Warrior
- List of Stargate races
- Mythology of Stargate
- Nox (Stargate)
- Ohne (Stargate)
- Ori (Stargate)
- Re'tu
- Reol
- Replicator (Stargate)
- Sakari (Stargate)
- Serrakin
- Shadow Entity
- Spirits (Stargate)
- Stragoth
- Tok'ra
- Unas (Stargate)
- Unity (Stargate)
- Water Lifeform (Stargate)
- Wraith (Stargate)
- List of Star Wars creatures
- Bantha
- Ewok
- Hutt (Star Wars)
- List of Star Wars species
- List of Star Wars species (A–E)
- List of Star Wars species (F–J)
- List of Star Wars species (K–O)
- List of Star Wars species (P–T)
- List of Star Wars species (U–Z)
- Mandalorian
- Sarlacc
- Tusken Raiders
- Wookiee
- Yuuzhan Vong
- Warhammer 40,000 species
- Chaos Space Marines
- Daemon (Warhammer)
- Dark Eldar
- Eldar (Warhammer 40,000)
- Genestealer
- Kroot
- Necrons
- Old Ones (Warhammer 40,000)
- Ork (Warhammer 40,000)
- Psyker
- Snotling
- Squat (Warhammer 40,000)
- Tau (Warhammer 40,000)
- Tyranids
- Zoat
- Imperium (Warhammer 40,000)
- Imperial Guard (Warhammer 40,000)
- Inquisition (Warhammer 40,000)
- Planetary Defence Force
- Sisters of Battle
- Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000)
- Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie
- List of Star Trek races
- Aaamazzarite
- Aenar
- Akritirian
- Allasomorph
- Amoeba (Star Trek)
- Andorian
- Angosian
- List of Star Trek animals
- Ankari
- Antedean
- Antedeans
- Antican (Star Trek)