Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:ZKang123/TitleCaseConverter. |
// titlecaseconverter.js
/* eslint-disable no-alert, no-console */
$( () => {
* Convert titles to title case
function toTitleCase( title, changeExistingCapitalization = true ) {
const isAllCaps = title.toUpperCase() === title;
if ( isAllCaps ) {
title = title.toLowerCase();
title = title.split( ' ' ).map( ( word, index, array ) => {
// Retain words that are already in uppercase or are special cases
if ( word.toUpperCase() === word || isSpecialCase( word ) ) {
return word;
// Retain capitalization for words following certain punctuation marks
if ( index > 0 && /[/;\-,]/.test( array[ index - 1 ] ) ) {
return word.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + word.slice( 1 );
// Check for mixed capitalization
const hasMixedCase = /[a-z]/.test(word) && /[A-Z]/.test(word);
if (hasMixedCase) {
return word;
// If there's already a capital letter in the word, we probably don't want to change it
const hasUpperCaseLetter = /[A-Z]/.test(word);
if (!changeExistingCapitalization && hasUpperCaseLetter) {
return word;
} else if ( shouldCapitalize( word, index, array ) ) {
return word.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + word.slice( 1 ).toLowerCase();
} else {
return word.toLowerCase();
} ).join( ' ' );
// Capitalize first letters that occur after punctuation
title = title.replace( / [^A-Za-z][a-z]/g, ( match ) => ' ' + match.slice( 1, 2 ) + match.slice( 2 ).toUpperCase() );
// Capitalize anything after a semicolon
title = title.replace( /;[a-z]/g, ( match ) => ';' + match.slice( 1 ).toUpperCase() );
// Capitalize letters mid-word that occur after hyphens or slashes
title = title.replace( /-[a-z]/g, ( match ) => '-' + match.slice( 1 ).toUpperCase() );
title = title.replace( /\/[a-z]/g, ( match ) => '/' + match.slice( 1 ).toUpperCase() );
return title;
* Check if a word is an abbreviation or an exception
function isSpecialCase( word ) {
// Define custom exceptions for abbreviations and specific titles
const exceptions = [ 'MRT', 'LTA', 'S$', 'US$', 'NASA', 'FBI', 'MP3' ]; // Add more exceptions as needed
return exceptions.includes( word ) || /^[A-Z0-9]+$/.test( word );
function shouldCapitalize( word, index, array ) {
const alwaysCapitalize = [ 'Me', 'It', 'His', 'If', 'Be', 'Am', 'Is', 'Are', 'Being', 'Was', 'Were', 'Been', 'During', 'Through', 'About', 'Until', 'Below', 'Under' ];
const doNotCapitalize = [ 'a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'by', 'at', 'but', 'or', 'nor', 'for', 'yet', 'so', 'as', 'in', 'of', 'on', 'to', 'from', 'into', 'like', 'over', 'with', 'till', 'upon', 'off', 'per', 'up', 'out', 'via' ];
const punctuationMarks = [ '.', ',', ';', ':', '?', '!' ];
const isAbbr = isSpecialCase( word );
const isProperNoun = alwaysCapitalize.includes( word );
const isShortWord = doNotCapitalize.includes( word.toLowerCase() );
const isFirstOrLastWord = index === 0 || index === array.length - 1;
const isLongPreposition = word.length >= 5;
const isVerb = [ 'be', 'am', 'is', 'are', 'being', 'was', 'were', 'been' ].includes( word.toLowerCase() );
// Preserve capitalization after punctuation marks
if ( index > 0 ) {
const prevWord = array[ index - 1 ];
const lastChar = prevWord.charAt( prevWord.length - 1 );
if ( punctuationMarks.includes( lastChar ) ) {
return true;
return isAbbr || isFirstOrLastWord || isProperNoun || isLongPreposition || !isShortWord || isVerb;
* Convert reference titles in the HTML content
function convertReferenceTitles( htmlString, changeExistingCapitalization = true ) {
const citationRegex = /<ref[^>]*>.*?<\/ref>/gi;
const titleRegex = /(\|title=)([^|]+)(\|)/i;
return htmlString.replace( citationRegex, ( match ) => match.replace( titleRegex, ( titleMatch, p1, p2, p3 ) => {
const originalTitle = p2.trim();
const titleCaseTitle = toTitleCase( originalTitle, changeExistingCapitalization );
// Ensure space is retained at the end
const endingSpace = p2.endsWith(' ') ? ' ' : '';
return `${ p1 }${ titleCaseTitle }${ endingSpace }${ p3 }`;
} ) );
* Load the script and add the sidebar links
function loadTitleCaseConverter() {
// Create the first sidebar link
const sidebarLink1 = document.createElement( 'li' );
const link1 = document.createElement( 'a' );
link1.innerText = 'Convert Ref Titles to Title Case (Preserve Capitalization)';
link1.href = '#'; = 'cursor: pointer; color: #0645ad;';
// Add click event listener to the first link
link1.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => {
const textArea = document.querySelector( '#wpTextbox1' );
if ( textArea ) {
const summary = 'Converted reference titles to title case per [[MOS:CT]] using [[User:ZKang123/TitleCaseConverter|TitleCaseConverter]]';
textArea.value = convertReferenceTitles( textArea.value, false );
// Set default editing summary
const summaryInput = document.querySelector( '#wpSummary' );
if ( summaryInput && !summaryInput.value.trim() ) {
summaryInput.value = summary;
} else {
alert( 'Error: Editing area not found!' );
} );
sidebarLink1.appendChild( link1 );
// Create the second sidebar link
const sidebarLink2 = document.createElement( 'li' );
const link2 = document.createElement( 'a' );
link2.innerText = 'Convert Ref Titles to Title Case (Change Capitalization)';
link2.href = '#'; = 'cursor: pointer; color: #0645ad;';
// Add click event listener to the second link
link2.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => {
const textArea = document.querySelector( '#wpTextbox1' );
if ( textArea ) {
const summary = 'Converted reference titles to title case per [[MOS:CT]] using [[User:ZKang123/TitleCaseConverter|TitleCaseConverter]]';
textArea.value = convertReferenceTitles( textArea.value, true );
// Set default editing summary
const summaryInput = document.querySelector( '#wpSummary' );
if ( summaryInput && !summaryInput.value.trim() ) {
summaryInput.value = summary;
} else {
alert( 'Error: Editing area not found!' );
} );
sidebarLink2.appendChild( link2 );
// Add the links to the sidebar (p-tb section)
const sidebar = document.getElementById( 'p-tb' );
const ul = sidebar ? sidebar.querySelector( 'ul' ) : null;
if ( ul ) {
ul.appendChild( sidebarLink1 );
ul.appendChild( sidebarLink2 );
} else {
alert( 'Error: Sidebar section not found!' );
function runUnitTests() {
const tests = [
// normal
old: 'The South and West lines',
new: 'The South and West Lines'
old: 'Work on second phase of MRT system ahead of schedule',
new: 'Work on Second Phase of MRT System Ahead of Schedule'
old: 'Earlier target date for Phase II MRT',
new: 'Earlier Target Date for Phase II MRT'
old: 'MRT System to be Implemented in Eight Stages',
new: 'MRT System to Be Implemented in Eight Stages'
old: 'MRT to Bt Batok, Bt Gombak and Choa Chu Kang on Mar 10',
new: 'MRT to Bt Batok, Bt Gombak and Choa Chu Kang on Mar 10'
// mid-word hyphens and slashes
old: 'Revived, re-opened, newly appreciated',
new: 'Revived, Re-Opened, Newly Appreciated'
old: "Streetscapes/eldridge street Synagogue;a prayer-filled time capsule from the 1880's",
new: "Streetscapes/Eldridge Street Synagogue;A Prayer-Filled Time Capsule from the 1880's"
old: 'Phase 2 gets go-ahead to ensure continuity',
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Ensure Continuity'
// weird mid-word capitalization
old: 'Phase 2 gets go-ahead to build iPad',
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Build iPad'
old: 'Phase 2 gets go-ahead to build DataMall',
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Build DataMall'
// all caps
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Ensure Continuity'
// punctuation at beginning of word
old: 'She was "amazingly spectacular"',
new: 'She Was "Amazingly Spectacular"'
let i = 1;
let failures = 0;
for ( const test of tests ) {
const actual = toTitleCase( test.old );
if ( actual !== ) {
console.log( `[Titlecaseconverter.js] Failed unit test ${ i }. Received "${ actual }" instead of "${ }".` );
if ( !failures ) {
console.log( '[Titlecaseconverter.js] All unit tests passed. Yay.' );
// Load the script when the page is ready
if ( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {
} else {
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', loadTitleCaseConverter );
// Put this at the top of your common.js file to run unit tests in the browser devtools console:
// window.TitleCaseConverterUnitTests = true;
if ( window.TitleCaseConverterUnitTests ) {
} );