About me
Hello, I am Will.torkington. Yes, I am edit things and shitpost.
I will appear on Facebook. My GitHub name is @dubpirate (proof). My Twitter handle is @OoohThatsGood, although I do not recommend you look at it.
I live in New Zealand – the greatest country on earth – where I study Computer Science.
My goal is to get my own Wikipedia page deleted because I'm not relevant enough, just like my dad.
Special interests
Currently I'm on a fatty mathematics bender. This is not promoted, but I really love brilliant dot org's classes. As of Nov 2020 I'm pumping out complex numbers fast as can be. Eventually I want to fully understand the mathematics behind modern machine learning models, as well as the TensorFlow package.
It's a shame I don't really have any interests beyond mathematics, because I really suck at it.
General Musings
I want to figure out how I can raise my future child to be a prodigy, somewhat like Norbert Wiener or William James Sidis. There appears to be a delicate balance between enough teaching time, giving them social experiences, and minimising psychological damage that I'm still trying to figure out. Teaching time, because I assume I will also have to work as I raise my child; best case scenario is that I'm a stay at home father or filthy fucking rich. Social experiences, because going to public school even part time is an important part of a growing child's life. Minimising psychological damage because poor old Norbert and Will didn't turn out so well in the head. I don't let that stop me, I'm sure there's a way. Leave your suggestions on my talk page, wont you.
Did you know there was a child prodigy in the 2000's called Sufiah Yusof, who was 'exposed' as a prostitute by a British tabloid? Her story is tragic – not because she was a prostitute, but because the papers couldn't stop being such assholes about it. If you look into it further, you'll see that because of her prodigy status her personal life dramas before that were played out publicly. I mean, just ask her. She's on Twitter nowadays, and all she does is shit talk the Daily Mail and all the rest for being scummy publications with low editorial standards.
I guess the moral of that story is not to show off your prodigal child like a dancing monkey, or to reference the Daily Mail.