Gaylactic Network
The Gaylactic Network is the national gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and friends science fiction, fantasy, horror, comics and gaming organization, consisting of several affiliate chapters throughout the United States and Canada. They are the overseeing organization for Gaylaxicon, the annual GLBT sci-fi convention, held in various cities. They also originated the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards, given annually for outstanding GLBT content in sci-fi, fantasy and horror genre publications.
The Network began in 1988 in Boston, Massachusetts after the first Gaylaxicon. The organization changed from an affiliate-based membership structure to an individual-based membership structure in 2000. The Board consists of a Speaker, Listener, Treasurer, Secretary, and 4 Board Members.
Currently there are 9 affiliate chapters:
- Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta, Atlanta, GA - Gaylactic Toronto Alliance, Toronto, ONT - Gaylaxian Science Fiction Society, Boston, MA - Golden Gate Gaylaxians, San Francisco, CA - Lambda Sci-Fi: DC Area Gaylaxians, Washington, DC - Niagara Falls Gaylactic Colonizers, Niagara Falls, NY - North Country Gaylaxians, Minneapolis, MN - Planet LAmbda, Los Angeles, CA - San Diego Queer Sci-Fi: The San Diego Gaylaxians, San Diego, CA
There have been past affiliates in cities such as Philadelphia, but they have since folded or given up their affiliate status. Several organizations, including ones outside of North America, are considered "friends of the Network."