Despite the name, this page is only half about projects I will/am/was working on: the other half is a list of (mainly amusing) quotes.
Actual projects
Projects for me. In no particular order. Generally things I can see myself able/willing to do. And I have heard of alphabetical order, but that seems like way to much effort on a page created just for me. Any suggestions are welcome- put them on the talk page.
Stuff from Wikipedia

- 95% of headaches are not life-threatening
- Coccydynia is also known as coccygodynia, coccygeal pain, coccyx pain, coccaglia or (in layperson's terms) buttache.
- There are three different common types of metal heddles: the super heddle, the cheese heddle, and the darkness heddle. All three heddles are integral parts of the loom, although some are more integral than others. The super heddle is definately the most important. It gives the loom the magic power to create sunshine. Without the super heddle's unique ability to genertate happiness, many quadratic equations could go to waste. The cheese heddle is the next most important. It gives the loom cheese. If a cheese heddle is not available, apple heddles work just fine. The worst of the three heddles is the darkness heddle. The darkness heddle is evil, and should be destroyed at all costs. So long, and thanks for all the fish. ~ Heddle
- Sock land
- Alpacas being abducted by aliens/leprechauns
- Eatable euros
- Bricks are hard, apparently
- funny block notice
- I suppose I should view this as a badge of honor... [2]
- This would explain why scissors weren't very common originally...
- Looks like I'm out of luck... [3]
- He goes by Albin Hallin, and his name is Albin Gustaf Tarzan Hallin; in his first passport, his name was given as "Icke namngivet gossebarn", meaning "unnamed little boy".
- this edit summary made me laugh...
- I didn't know that.
- The history of... socks?
- Did you know... ....that magic carpets are commercially produced in Iran?
- Ok, what I want to know is what he did with all the extra tartans while he is 'having his way' with the women.
- When the French Revolution began in 1789, the demand for the lace ceased. The lace-makers were seen as protégés of the royals, and [...] the lace-makers of Chantilly were themselves killed. At this point production ceased. [4]
- Notable Alpacas
Patience quotes
- "I won't go to bed until I'm head over heels in love with somebody!" W. S. Gilbert
- Prithee, pretty maiden, will you marry me?
- (Hey, but I'm hopeful, willow willow waly!)
- I may say, at once, I'm a man of propertee —
- Hey willow waly O!
- Money, I despise it;
- Many people prize it,
- Hey willow waly O!
- Gentle Sir, although to marry I design —
- (Hey, but he's hopeful, willow willow waly!)
- As yet I do not know you, and so I must decline.
- Hey willow waly O!
- To other maidens go you —
- As yet I do not know you,
- Hey willow waly O!
- "By the advice of my solicitor,
- In aid — in aid of a deserving charity,
- I've put myself up to be raffled for!"
- Come, walk up, and purchase with avidity,
- Overcome your diffidence and natural timidity,
- Tickets for the raffle should be purchased with avidity,
- Put in half a guinea and a husband you may gain —
- Such a judge of blue-and-white and other kinds of pottery —
- From early Oriental down to modern terra-cottary —
- Put in half a guinea — you may draw him in a lottery —
- Such an opportunity may not occur again.
citation formats I commonly use
Committed identity: 7e1bce5392573201e711c09e610c4c08a09d70fbd2b93dd254b882a54195e42597182d2947ae51c7d0ff421577f59daebabd3799973508c921adbfbb5beeccc7 is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.