Twenty-fifth government of Israel
- (July 13, 1992 - November 22, 1995)
- Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister and Labor and Welfare portfolio
- Chaim Herzog, Sixth President
- Amnon Rubinstein, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Science and Technology
- Ya'akov Tsur, Minister of Agriculture
- Avraham Shochat, Minister of Finance
- Yair Tsaban, Minister of Immigrant Absorption
- Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, Minister of Construction and Housing
- Haim Ramon, Minister of Health
- Shulamit Aloni, Minister of Education and Culture
- Moshe Shahal, Minister of Police and Communications
- Shimon Peres, Foreign Minister
- David Libai, Minister of Justice
- Yisrael Kessar, Minister of Transportation
- Michael Harish, Minister of Trade and Industry
- Ora Namir, Minister of Environment
- Shimon Shetreet, Minister of Economics and Planning
- Aryeh Deri, Minister of Interior
- Uzi Bararm, Minister of Tourism
- Michael Nir, Acting Cabinet Secretary
Israeli Foreign Ministry