Kronblom is a popular Swedish comic strip created by Elov Persson in 1927. A collection of strips have been published once a year since 1930 as a Christmas magazine special, but individual comic strips of the series are found in the comic book 91:an, which is published biweekly in Sweden.
Elov's son, Gunnar Persson, took over the comic strip in 1968 after the death of his father. In 2006, Gunnar's son Jonas Persson started drawing the comic strip together with his father.
Two live action films based on the strip have been made in Sweden. The first, entitled Kronblom - hans liv och leverne (Eng: Kronblom - his life) was released in 1947 and the second one, entitled Kronblom kommer till stan (Eng: Kronblom comes to the city) was released in 1949.
A weekly Kronblom comic book was created in 1997, but was canceled after only 4 issues due to bad sales.