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In algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, a G-spectrum for a finite group G is an object representing an equivariant generalized cohomology theory. There are different models for G-spectra, but they all determine the same homotopy theory.

Orthogonal G-spectra

There are various versions of orthogonal G-spectra. The version presented here is the one used in the solution of the Kervaire invariant one problem[1]. Intuitively an orthogonal G-spectrum is a G-space together with a collections of deloopings indexed by the representations of G.

Given two orthogonal G-representations V,W we let be the space of (not necessarily G-equivariant) isometric embeddings from V to W. This is a G-space with the natural conjugation action. There is a G-equivariant vector bundle over whose fiber over is the orthogonal complement of the image of i in W. There is a natural map of vector bundles lying above the composition map . This data allows us to construct a category enriched in G-spaces, whose objects are G-representations and such that is the Thom spaces of the vector bundle .

An orthogonal G-spectrum E is an enriched functor from to pointed G-spaces. Concretely it is the datum of

  • For every finite-dimensional orthogonal G-representation V a pointed G-space ;
  • For every pair of G-representations V,W a G-equivariant map

These maps are required to satisfy the obvious associativity and unitality constraints. The Thom space should be thought of as the "union" of across all possible isometric embeddings i.

The category of orthogonal G-spectra has a natural symmetric monoidal structure given by the Day convolution using the direct sum monoidal structure in the source and the smash product of pointed G-spaces in the target. This product is called the smash product of G-spectra.

Homotopy groups

In analogy with the homotopy groups of a spectrum, we can define for every integer n the n-th homotopy Mackey functor of a G-spectrum E. It is the Mackey functor whose value on a G-set U is the colimit

where V runs through all H-representations equipped with a subrepresentation isomorphic to the direct sum of -k copies of the trivial representation (this condition is empty when k≥0) and V+k is either the direct sum of V with k copies of the trivial representation (if k≥0) or the orthogonal complement of the aforementioned subrepresentation. Specializing to the case of an orbit U=G/H we can define the H-equivariant k-th homotopy group of E as

A stable equivalence of G-spectra is a map of G-spectra inducing an isomorphism on all homotopy Mackey functors. The localization of the category of G-spectra at the stable equivalences is called the G-stable homotopy category.

There is also a variant of the homotopy groups using G-representations. For every virtual G-representation V the V-th homotopy group of a G-spectrum E is

Care needs to be taken that, unlike the homotopy Mackey functors, the RO(G)-indexed homotopy groups in general do not detect stable equivalences (that is the analogue of the Whitehead theorem is false)[2]. The RO(G)-graded group of for all representations is denoted .

Similarly to the nonequivariant case we can define for every spectrum E the corresponding homology and cohomology theory


  • For every pointed G-space X we can define its suspension spectrum as

In particular the suspension spectrum of the zero sphere with trivial action is called the sphere spectrum and denoted by , as in the nonequivariant case. The suspension spectrum functor has a right adjoint, denoted given by.

  • For every V=[V0-V1] virtual representation of G, we can define a representation sphere as

where we write SW to denote the one-point compactification of the representation W.

  • For every Mackey functor M there is a G-spectrum HM such that

called the Eilenberg-MacLane G-spectrum of M. It represents equivariant cohomology with coefficients in M.

  • There exists a C2-spectrum KR called real K-theory spectrum representing KR-theory. It satisfies a form of Bott periodicity given by where ρ is the regular representation of C2.
  • Every orthogonal G-spectrum E has a canonical representation as

G-spectra as infinite loop spaces

For any G-spectrum E we can define the underlying space

where the homotopy colimit is computed over the topological category of G-representations. More generally for every G-representation W we can write

so that

Hence an orthogonal G-spectrum should be thought of as a G-space together a family of deloopings for every G-representation (similarly to how a spectrum consists of a space together with a family of iterated deloopings).

Fixed points

If E is an orthogonal G-spectrum, its Lewis-May fixed points are the spectrum E^G whose n-space is (E^G)_n = E(\mathbb{R}^n)^G and with the maps...

G-spectra as spectral Mackey functors

An important observation is that the suspension spectra of finite G-sets span a subcategory of the G-equivariant stable homotopy category which is equivalent to the Burnside category. So the homotopy groups of a G-spectrum can be assemble to for an homotopy Mackey functor. In fact this is true even if we consider the topological subcategory provided we

Theorem (Guillou-May, Schwede-Shipley): The category of orthogonal G-spectra is equivalent to the category of additive topological functors from the Burnside category to spectra.

Under this point of view a lot of the constructions we have described above are evident. For example if E is a spectral Mackey functor its Lewis-May fixed points are simply the value of the spectral Mackey functor on the G-set G/H. The geometric fixed points instead are obtained as a left Kan extension ...

The norm

Let H be a subgroup of G. If E is an orthogonal H-spectrum we can define the norm as the G-spectrum

Borel equivariant G-spectra

Sometimes the name G-spectrum is used to mean a spectrum with an action of the group G. These objects form in fact a full subcategory of the category of G-spectra, corresponding to those E such that the map is an equivalence for every subgroup H.


  1. ^ Hill, Hopkins, Ravenel 2016, Appendix A
  2. ^ Noel, Justin. "RO(G)-graded homotopy groups vs. Mackey functors". Mathoverflow. Retrieved 7 June 2016.
