Hi there. My name's Mike, but you already know that. Right now I'm a lowly high school student in some forgotten backwater town in rural Ontario. I used to be almost fluent in French, but because of lack of use I've forgotten most of what I learned, but I'm taking French classes again, and I'm fairly capable in French, at least the Canadian variety. I'm also an aspiring Esperantist, but with no one to practice my Esperanto I'm not very good without a dictionary on me. I also know Spanish, as I've been taking Spanish classes from a wonderful Colombian teacher, so naturally my Spanish is Colombian in dialect. I take an interest in minority languages and linguistics in general, and I have been attempting to learn Sater Frisian. I'm not very good, as there are very little resources for an English speaker, but I try. I'm currently translating Pyt Kramer's ''Kute Seelter Sproakleere - Kurze Grammatik des Saterfriesischen'' into English, and I will eventually translate some other resources for the language.
I've been trying to join a volunteer brigade to travel to Cuba, however It looks like that isn't going to happen for a while. I'd also like to go on a foreign exchange, or travel in any form really.
Also, anyone who is interested in Sater Frisian come check out my website at http://seeltersk.freehostia.com, it's pretty much a collection of links and resources for Sater Frisian, there isn't much on it at the moment, it's kind of a work in progress, but I'm always adding things. it is planned to be in 5 languages, but is currently in 3, and at that almost everything is on the English version, but like I said, it's a work in progress.
==What I'm Working on Right Now==
==What I'm Working on Right Now==
*trying to revamp all articles onthe history of the [[NorthCaucasus]]
*revamping articles relating to the [[Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory]]
*trying to remove all bias (left or right wing) from the articles on [[Cuba]]
*trying to remove all bias (left or right wing) from the articles on [[Cuba]]
Translated the page Saterland into Sater Frisian, created the redirect seelterlound (saterland is sater frisian) to that page, and added an image to that page.